Friday, July 11, 2014

Tips on How to Get the Best Getting Ready Photos for Your Groom and His Groomsmen

If you plan on not seeing your groom before the wedding ceremony, the getting ready photos of your guy and his groomsmen will be especially important to you. These photos will show the emotions and moments your groom is going through before he sees you walk down the aisle to say “I do!”

To learn some great tips on getting the best getting ready photos of your groom and his groomsmen, I spoke with Nashville photographer Maggie Puccini, who along with her daughter Kristin Puccini Young, make up the terrific mother-daughter duo of Puccini Photography.

1. Understand that there will be two types of “guys getting ready” photos going on.
Maggie tells us that, “The biggest secret about getting ready photos of the groom (and most guys already know this deep down) – there are two types of “guys getting ready” photos: the ones we take for the bride to enjoy, and the ones we take for the groom.” While the bride is sure to love all the shots taken of her groom getting ready, there will be certain photos she’ll appreciate more – especially if they aren’t seeing each other  the day of the wedding until they say, “I do!”

Maggie goes on to explain, “Gentlemen, let me assure you, your bride wants to be included on every aspect of your wedding day, and if you aren’t seeing each other before the wedding, this is one part of the day you will be handling sans bride. Luckily, your job is easy – these will be photos of you straightening your tie, getting your boutonniere pinned on, and fastening your cufflinks. They’ll be photos she’ll love to see after the wedding, and will probably go in your wedding album. These are the photos that will make your lady love you even more!” After these must-have shots are taken, then the photographer can go ahead and capture more of the laid-back moments with the guys laughing and having a great time.
2. Have your groom be almost ready to go before the photographer comes in.
While I’ve known plenty of guys who like to take their time when getting ready to go out for a big event, it seems that in general, we ladies tend to take quite a bit longer to get all dolled-up. However, this is wonderful news for the photographer taking the groom’s getting ready photos, since it allows for more time for some of the more fun action shots.

Maggie tells us, “Our suggestion for the groom is to be mostly ready, and then we’ll come and shoot those final details before go-time. After that, it’s all fun and games.” Get your groom to get it together (or mostly together) by the time the photographer arrives to allow for plenty of time for photos of him and his guys having some pre-wedding fun!
3. Have the groomsmen brainstorm ideas for photo activities.
When talking about the best parts about photographing the groom in his pre-wedding moments, Maggie tells us, “We really have two favorite parts when the groom is getting ready. The first is when the groom’s mom pins on his boutonniere. It’s just a sweet moment between the groom and his mom, and it kind of feels like her “send-off” for her son. (We girls love that part.) Our second favorite part is just seeing what crazy ideas the guys come up with and getting a chance to photograph it!” Your groom and his groomsmen will have plenty of time to get pretty creative with some fun action shots.
As Maggie goes on to explain, “We have seen everything from poker games and cigars, to breaking out the fine Kentucky bourbon, to guys jumping in the air and doing “sweet ninja kicks” (their words). Groomsmen are always eager to be involved in the decision making of what ‘fun’ or ‘edgy’ photos can be taken with the groom, so if you have a creative group of groomsmen, put them on notice!”

Posted February 23, 2013 by  at

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