Wednesday, January 30, 2013

what a day!!!

Hello fellow bloggers???? 
today is just one of them days where it seems like nothing exciting is going on...
I am in the process of looking for a MAC Book Pro 17' ????? 

This is easier said then done..  first: apple does not sell the 17' MBP no more...
Second, no one has one that reasonably priced.. 

So now what, i dont want a 13 or a 15 because of my site. 
for the price of a MBP 17' I could get a Imac with a 27' Screen... 
(all i can think of is Tim Allen in the tool time show and he says) wha, wha, wha,wha,....  LOL..
but i also would like a new camera this year - which is more important?? 
They'll both cost about the same???  O'LORD,  Decisions, Decision, Decisions!!!!!!!!!
anywho, i am trying to stay on top of this blogging business...  not so easy to do...
anyway, Ima try and post a little more regurlarly and give you some exciting news
(only if you like watching paint dry on your wall.. LBVS.. LOL...)

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